Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Lessons of Out-of-Body Experiences

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Julio Cardenas Out of body experiences are not hallucinations! Only people who never experienced one can say that. Science cannot explain something out of its context.
Paula M K Clarke We are much more than a "body".
Noe Jimenez I experienced this when I was a teenager and is real the only thing is that you feel with no power when you come back into your body. But I did it with no knowledge or training is just happens in my life but I was in control with my emotions and I know that I was out of my body.
Sus Anne I had one out-of-body experience when I was 18 and it was so scary/weird/unexpected that I could not enjoy it to the fullest. Would love to try it now and totally embrace it smile emotikon

Powerful, unnerving hallucinations show there’s something malleable about the way our brains construct our sense of self

Modern neuroscientists call the doppelgänger effect an autoscopic phenomenon,  in which a person may hallucinate that they are seeing and even interacting with another ‘me’—a visual double.

Modern neuroscientists call the doppelgänger effect an autoscopic phenomenon, in which a person may hallucinate that they are seeing and even interacting with another ‘me’—a visual double. Illustration: Byron Eggenschwiler

About two months after his younger brother died of complications from HIV, Chris—a friend of mine in his 50s living in California—woke up early one morning. He got off the bed, stood up, stretched, turned around and got the fright of his life.

“The shock was electric,” Chris told me last year. “Because I was still lying in the bed sleeping, and it was very clearly me lying there sleeping, my first thought was that I had died.”

Of course, Chris hadn’t died. He was having what neuropsychologists call a doppelgänger experience: He found himself inhabiting an illusory body while his real, physical body was lying in bed. He says he’s not clear how long the feeling lasted. Eventually, “there was this enormous sucking sensation,” said Chris, making a long, drawn-out slurping sound. “I felt like I was dragged, almost thrown, back into the bed, smack into myself.” He woke up screaming.

Doppelgängers are the stuff of literature, found in unsettling stories by authors from Edgar Allan Poe to Guy de Maupassant. Modern neuroscientists call the doppelgänger effect an autoscopic phenomenon (from “autoscopy”; in Greek, autos means “self,” and skopeo means “looking at”), in which a person may hallucinate that they are seeing and even interacting with another “me”—a visual double.

Probably the most widely experienced and best-known form of these autoscopic phenomena is the out-of-body experience, in which people often report leaving their physical body and looking down at it from above.

Unnerving as they can be, out-of-body experiences, doppelgänger phenomena and other autoscopic hallucinations are probably our best window onto the way our brain constructs our sense of self, starting with the bodily self. Having a bodily self means several things. At its most fundamental, it anchors you in a body that feels like it is yours. You also feel that your body occupies a certain volume in physical space and that you are within that volume looking out with a perspective that feels like your own.

But as Chris’s experience shows, there are times—albeit rare—when we aren’t anchored in our physical body, suggesting that there is something malleable about the way our brains construct our bodily selves.
Over the years, scientists have found other examples of such malleability. Take the rubber-hand illusion—written up in the journal Nature in 1998 by Matthew Botvinick and Jonathan Cohen—in which an experimenter strokes a subject’s real hand with a brush while simultaneously stroking a rubber hand. The subject can see only the rubber hand, not the real hand, which is obscured by a screen.

In most people, something crazy happens within a couple of minutes: Instead of feeling the touch of the brush on the real hand, you begin to feel the touch at the location of the rubber hand. It is as if your brain takes ownership of the rubber hand.

So what is happening here? The brain has to make sense of conflicting information: sensations of brush strokes on the real hand and the sight of a rubber hand being stroked. So the brain, in effect, decides that the eyes don’t lie: The rubber hand must be the source of the sensations, and so the brain proceeds to embody the inanimate hand.

To create a sense of embodiment, the brain relies on incoming sensations—both from the outside and from inside the body—to construct maps of the body and body parts. We perceive these maps as our bodily selves.

Over the past decade, two teams—one led by Olaf Blanke at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne, Switzerland, and the other by Henrik Ehrsson at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden—have demonstrated full-body versions of the rubber-hand illusion. Just as our brain can take “ownership” of a rubber hand, it can also be fooled—using more elaborate experimental setups—into taking ownership of a mannequin’s body or even a virtual body.

These experiments show us that, to create the bodily self, the brain has to integrate various sensations—such as touch, vision and many other types of internal and external information. There is no one place in the brain where this integration happens. Rather, researchers have identified a whole host of regions that are involved. The various illusions arise when the brain is fed conflicting information and tries to make the sense of it.

One can even fool the brain into embodying empty space. For example, in the rubber-hand illusion, if the experimenter takes the rubber hand away and instead moves the brush in the air in a manner suggestive of having a hand there while simultaneously stroking the hidden real hand, some people will soon start feeling touch in empty space. I can attest to this: I was taken aback by the weirdness of this illusion when I experienced it in Dr. Ehrsson’s lab.

The brain’s process of sensory integration can be fooled not just in the lab but in real life too—leading to, for example, the doppelgänger experience. If the brain’s processes are working correctly, there should be just one representation of the body in the brain. But sometimes the process goes awry, leading to two
representations, and the brain has to choose the representation in which to anchor the self—and sometimes it chooses one, sometimes the other. This is what neuroscientists now think leads to the doppelgänger effect.

Such hallucinations can make people feel that they have a “soul” or something incorporeal that can leave the physical body. This leads to a kind of dualism—the view that the stuff of the body and the stuff of the mind are distinct and different.

But what these lab experiments and studies are showing us is that nothing is really leaving the body during an out-of-body experience. When the brain is operating on sensory information that is congruent (meaning that the sensations of touch match what the eyes are seeing, for example), the brain situates the self in the body and provides a sense of perspective and body ownership.

But when the sensations aren’t congruent, because someone is being tricked by the rubber-hand illusion or suffering from some neurological aberration, the brain does its best to make sense of all the misleading data. The brain can miscalculate the coordinates for the self, positioning it outside the body or in another illusory body.

So modern studies of out-of-body experiences and full-body illusions aren’t making a case for dualism. Rather, they’re showing us that the sense of bodily self is something that is constructed by the brain moment by moment. The bodily self turns out to be the basis for our greater sense of self, which involves more complex aspects including the narrative self (that is, the stories we tell others and ourselves about who we are) and the social, cultural self.

Our sense of self arises from a complex interaction among brain, body, mind and culture—and in the full-blown selves we are, all aspects of the self interact with and influence one another. But it all begins with the body.

How To Take A Regular Old Bra And Make It A Backless One

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Bev Blair That's for women with A cups only. Not for my double D's knockers
Windy Sigh Franklin Not impressed...it looks like it would just come up and not support the breasts.
Bruklyn Locos Luvsu This only works for people who have boobs that could sit up by yourself without a bra this is not work for women who need to support because it will fall down under
Jennifer Levey The only people this would work for are those that have such small breasts that they could just go braless lol no point in being super uncomfortable and it looks like it would fly up n hit u in the face like a slingshot haha
Before you rid your closet of any old bras that have seen better days, you can actually turn them into something functional and cute. And the best part: You only have to sew a few stitches!

Did you know you can take an old bra and turn it into a backless bra? Yep! And it’s a DIY project I can’t wait to make myself!

After Ray Lee posted her video on “All about Bras,” her viewers requested a tutorial on how she made her DIY Backless Bra. This easy step-by-step is perfect for the summer time if you have any low back outfits — and though it only requires light sewing skills, make sure to be careful with the needle.

The last time I fell in love with a DIY fashion project, it was the tote bag made out of an old T-shirt. While this backless bra doesn’t offer a massive amount of support for some, the end result is a simple undergarment perfect for those warm weather, back-bearing outfits. The only tools you’ll need are a pair of scissors, thumbtacks, sewing pins, and a needle and thread.

What a quick and fun way to save money. Is it something you’d make for yourself at home? Let us know, and please SHARE this video tutorial with your friends!

Acrobatic Team Shows Off Their Amazing Bravery And Talent

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Ceola Ross That's what we call teamwork!Amazing talent.
Randi Young AMAZING!!! This discipline, the focus, the sheer DESIRE!!! I'm speechless!!! 
Anne Forbes Now THAT is just awesome!!! Serious team work!!!!
The intense sport of acrobatic gymnastics is not an easy thing to get involved with. It takes years and years of practice; suffering through heartache, long hours, overcoming fears, and sometimes even severe injuries.

And when you add three other people to be a part of your team, things get much more complicated. Instead of just worrying about yourself and your own failures, weaknesses, strengths, and successes; you now have to take into account how all of your teammates work together as a single unit.

It’s not just yourself that you could be potentially endangering, when you throw someone else 30 feet into the air, it’s up to you to catch them and break their fall. The consequences could be catastrophic!

Make sure to watch the entire video below. These 4 men really know how to keep an audience at attention, and when they do their signature move at the :57 mark? We closed our eyes we were so scared!

It took years and years of hard work for these athletes to finally receive the respect they deserve, and by the end of their routine, when you see the looks of pure pride they all have on their faces, it’s quite obvious that they did an amazing job.

Please SHARE this incredible video if you would never be willing to do any of those crazy flips, twists, and kicks! Leave that to the professionals!

These Places Are Almost Too Beautiful to Believe

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Cleopatra Moyo Mother earth is just amazing... This is beautiful
Oon Bang-on Oh our planet earth just amazing.... is beautiful.These places will soon disappear because of climate change....Great video...thanks for sharing!
Aishwarya Bhandari Amazing man amazing Our planet is the best but the pollution due to we humans Is destroying its beauty

Planet Earth is quite an amazing place.

From enchanted wells in Brazil, to chocolate hills in the Philippines, it's hard to believe these places actually exist on Earth. It's the type of thing you have to see to believe and if you want to see some of the most stunning locations nature has to offer, you should venture to these destinations right away. You won't be disappointed!

They Dropped A Basketball From 415 Feet. I Wasn't Expecting What Happened Next!

Comment FB:
Jum Bo Manny is creating the magnus punch for Mayweather
Thomas Villarreal They dropped a basketball from 415 feet. I wasn't expecting it to fall!
Jack McGuire are you fucking kidding, "wow this is amazing", amazing you have so much free time you think this is a decent share
A group of friends traveled to the Gordon Dam in Tasmania to set the record for the highest basket ever scored, but they got a bit more. They put a small spin on their basketball to experiment, but what these boys (re)discovered is known as the Magnus Effect, first recorded by Isaac Newton back in the day.

What happens to this ball is incredible. Did they ever break that record? You have to see for yourself.

Plus-Sized Yoga Instructor Posted Photos Of Herself On Instagram, And Now She’s My New Hero.

Like most fitness activities, yoga is something that was, up until recently, only thought to be practiced by primarily by thin women. After all, plus size women don't exercise at all, right?

Well, Jessamyn Stanley is here to break that stereotype. Stanley is a plus size yoga instructor that challenging the notion of the traditional "yoga body." She has been documenting her daily practice on her Instagram for awhile, and through it she has built a following of over 66 thousand followers who look to her page for daily inspiration. She also shared advice on how plus size women can get into yoga in an interview.
Don’t just go with the first studio throwing around free guest passes- look for a studio whose teachers are recognized for being encouraging and positive. The outlook of a yoga teacher has just as much of an effect on your practice as the clothes you wear or the amount of water you drink. Once you find a studio, give yourself at least one week of classes, consisting of at least three classes before determining if you want to continue. If you’ve never tried yoga, your first class might be a little more intense than you’re expecting which might lead you to set fire to your yoga mat and curse the whole practice to hell.
Check out her inspiring photos - and killer poses - below.

This man wasn't able to walk without the use of crutches until he started practicing yoga.
Next, check out what happens when pets interrupt yoga.

The Amazing Health Benefits Of Chia Seeds

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Jenny Azzopardi You forgot to mention they do need to be taken or used with some form of liquid else they can cause problems.
Jen Thompson I heard today it is very important to drink lots of water when having daily chia seeds
Patty Dolan Bolduc I bake healthy muffins with them & sprinkle on my Greek yogurt

I am often hesitant about fad supplements, products that become popular overnight, or that claim to have great health benefits. However, the recent trend toward consuming chia seeds has not disappointed me!

I decided to incorporate chia into my family’s dietary routine, as it assists in weight loss as well as reducing glucose levels which can benefit diabetics.1 My whole family has benefited from its addition to our meals, and my husband has found chia to be the solution to reducing his sugar cravings. Many people consume chia before a meal to reduce hunger, and I've found it to be a great breakfast drink. I feel energized, satisfied and awake after a nice glass. 

Although I'm not a long distance runner, indulging in chia loading is better than carbohydrates or energy drinks to enhance athletic performances for endurance events.2 Research has also demonstrated that the beneficial effects of omega-3, as found in chia, has helped those suffering with mood disorders. A meta-analysis of trials involving patients with major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder provided evidence that omega-3 in chia reduces symptoms of depression.3 Omega-3 fatty acids have been proven in increase brain function and decrease depression. So, incorporating chia into your diet on a regular basis helps not just your physical health but also your mental health. 

The optimal daily consumption of chia is four tablespoons throughout the day, but you can gradually work your way up to that amount starting with one tablespoon a day.4 Adding just two tablespoons of chia seeds to your daily diet will give you approximately seven grams of fiber, four grams of protein, 205 milligrams of calcium, and a whopping five grams of omega-3. Chia has both soluble and insoluble fiber, which is a great benefit. That's why the seeds expand in liquids without losing any of the fiber content. If you consume four tablespoons per day of chia, you get 14 grams of fiber. By comparison, one packet of oatmeal has only four grams of fiber.

Although we eat a lot of salmon, no one in my family is very fond of taking fish oil supplements as a source of healthy fats. As chia is a very stable source of omega-3 fatty acids, we use it regularly to supplement our diets. A mere 3½ tablespoons contains as much omega-3s as a 32-ounce piece of salmon. Chia seeds can also be ground into flour as an alternative for those with gluten allergies, such as my oldest son.  

Chia is often served in drinks or smoothies, but if you don't want to use it in a drink it's easy to sprinkle on your oatmeal, directly on your meals, or stir it into a Greek yogurt. Chia has a neutral flavor, so it goes with just about anything. And, as a bonus, chia seeds can be stored for long periods of time in your refrigerator or pantry without going rancid, which makes it easier to save money by purchasing them in bulk.  


(1) Guevara-Cruz, M., Tovar, A. R., Aguilar-Salinas, C., Medina-Vera, I., Gil-Zenteno, L., Hernández-Viveros, I.,  Torres, N. (2012). A dietary pattern including nopal, chia seed, soy protein, and oat reduces serum triglycerides and glucose intolerance in patients with metabolic Syndrome1-4. The Journal of Nutrition, 142(1), 64-9. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/915212280?accountid=134574

(2) Travis, G. I., Jason, C. C., & Phillip, A. B. (2011). Omega 3 chia seed loading as a means of carbohydrate loading. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 25(1), 61-65. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/848543163?accountid=134574

(3) Ross, B. M., Seguin, J., & Sieswerda, L. E. (2007). Omega-3 fatty acids as treatments for mental illness: which disorder and which fatty acid? Lipids in Health & Disease, 621-39. doi:10.1186/1476-511X-6-21

(4) Coates, W. (2012). Chia: The complete guide to the ultimate superfood. Sterling Publishing: New York, NY.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com

Monday, August 31, 2015

Miley Cyrus' VMA outfits got attention. But the incredible way she ended the night was even cooler.

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Victoria Sullivan How in the world were her outfits cool? She was culturally appropriating dread locs by wearing that fake disgusting ponytail. Nothing she had on lady night was cool. It was offensive and I still don't know how MTV could think it's a good idea to let her host.
Dean Bonilla Yeah but what about her hair though? I really wanted to respect her because she is helping the queer youth but I cannot anymore. All oppressions need to be recognized, not just specific issues. What about those queer youth of color who are offended by the cultural appropriation. Those people of color who are systematically oppressed?? She needs to get a grip.
Kendrick Cronin Her outfits weren't cool? Her hair was racist as fuck.
The MTV Video Music Awards happened last night. It's OK if you missed them.
The show went until almost midnight, and (if you're like me) you're probably too old and uncool to recognize half the performers. Hey, I totally get it.
Here's what you'll be seeing in many of the headlines recapping the event:
  1. Kanye West announced he's running for president in 2020.
  2. It looks like Justin Bieber started crying on stage after his performance.
  3. Nicki Minaj definitely has a beef with Miley Cyrus, and she wasn't afraid to talk about it on stage.
  4. Nicki did, however, seem over her feud with Taylor Swift, whom she performed with to open the event.
Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images.

But if you ask me, the coolest and most underreported part about the 2015 VMAs had nothing to do with 1-4 above. (Or any of the red carpet looks. Or any surprise Moonman wins. Or any of the performances ... although, Tori Kelly was amazing).
The coolest part came and went at the end of the event, without the glitz and glam we're so used to seeing on award show stages.

Miley Cyrus' squad from her Happy Hippie Foundation announced a surprise performance from the VMA host.

They weren't A-listers. They didn't dress in flamboyant outfits to grab our attention. But Miley's friends from Happy Hippie (you can learn more about all of them here) welcomed her to the stage, shedding a light on an important issue that deserves our attention: homelessness of LGBTQ youth.

Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images.

The Happy Hippie Foundation, which Miley launched earlier this year, advocates for young people facing homelessness — particularly those young people who are LGBTQ.
Young people in the LGBTQ community account for an alarmingly disproportionate chunk — somewhere between 20% and 40%of the total homeless youth population. Tragically, family rejection a big reason why so many end up on the streets.

Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images.

Sharing her time on stage with her Happy Hippie squad shouldn't come as surprise to anyone who's been paying attention to Miley. She's been pretty clear on her intentions to give a voice to young people who don't have one.
"When you have all eyes on you, what are you saying? And that's what I had to ask myself a lot," Miley told the Associated Press of her activism in May 2015.
"It's like, I know you're going to look at me more if my [breasts] are out, so look at me. And then I'm going to tell you about my foundation for an hour and totally hustle you."
She's not afraid to hustle us at award shows, too. Last year's VMAs were no different.
At the 2014 award show, Miley won Video of the Year for her single, "Wrecking Ball." But instead of giving a speech, she gave the spotlight to then-22-year-old Jesse Helt, who'd battled homelessness while living in Los Angeles.
Photo by Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images.

His heartfelt words went down in VMA history:
"I am accepting this award on behalf of the 1.6 million runaways and homeless youth in the United States who are starving, lost, and scared for their lives right now. I know this because I'm one of these people. ... I've survived in shelters all over the city. I've cleaned your hotel rooms. I've been an extra in your movies. I've been an extra in your life. Although I may have been invisible to you on the streets, I have a lot of the same dreams that brought many of you here tonight."
You may not be a fan of her twerking, her choice of wardrobe, or the ... unique ... name of her new album. But there's no denying Miley's heart of gold when it comes to an issue that should be a bigger priority to all of us.

What This Woman Can Do With Eye Makeup Is Absolutely Stunning. Wait Till You See #10!

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Deborah Sandness Wow! All without taking off clothes.
Zequeelah Muffy Bryant Amazing! I wonder how long it takes to do it and where would you go with it still intact!
igi Quintero That is awesome she got skills bless with a talent AMEN
Men strongly underestimate just how hard it can be for women to learn to put on their own makeup. Even a simple thing like eyeliner can be pretty hard to get right, which makes what this artist can do even more incredible.
You’ve probably heard the expression “having an eye for art.” Well, photographer, illustrator, and make-up artist Tal Peleg takes it to another level entirely with this mind-blowing project that combines all of her passions into one, using her own eyes as the canvas for her art.

1. “Cat and Dog”

2. “Salvador Dali”

3. “Emoji Eye”

4. “Yin and Yang”

5. “Cat Playing With Yarn”

6. “Dragon”

7. “The Sound of Music”

8. “The Little Mermaid”

9. “Peacock”

10. “The Little Prince”

11. “Sugar Rush”

12. “Fruity Eye”

13. “Anti-Bullying (The Power of Words)”

14. “Frozen (Pt. 1)”

15. “Frozen (Pt. 2)”

16. “Ginger Cat”
Tal Peleg

17. “Penguins”
Tal Peleg

18. “Rapunzel”

19. “Girl With The Moon”

20. “Depression”

21. “Childhood Fears”

22. “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”

23. “Hello!”

It’s one thing to do this on another person’s face, but Tal created these masterpieces on her own face, backwards using a mirror. Some people really do get all the talent.

Share Tal’s stunning creations with your friends below.